ARC Accessibility Test Initiatives

Set accessibility policies based on your digital content's conformance gaps and automate the measurement of progress against those goals.
Get Started

Establish and Measure Progress with Clear Accessibility Test Initiatives

Customize Accessibility Policies

Define accessibility policies based on your environment to achieve your conformance goals. Automate the measurement against those goals.

Standardize the Policy

Use these test initiatives to drive meaningful changes in operational behavior by creating clear, consistent, and measurable targets.

Integrate with ARC API

Simplify and automate accessibility testing in a typical CI/CD pipeline against defined accessibility policies.

Celebrate the Wins

Know when you achieve success and let contributors and stakeholders know the positive impacts being made.

Know Precisely What You Need to Achieve and How You are Performing Against those Goals

Accessibility conformance can seem like a murky and moving target as the WCAG guidelines can be open to interpretations making it difficult to know how you are actually progressing and when you achieve a goal.

ARC Test Initiatives simplifies this by giving program managers and stakeholders the ability to establish clear policies across the organization and automate the data capture towards achieving those goals.

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See How ARC Test Initiatives Work

Screenshot of ARC accessibility test initiatives setup. Shows how to setup target timeline, baseline scan, rule, and acceptance criteria.

Step 1:

  • Review your initial domain analysis or other scans and identify common failures
  • Use the simple configuration options to select the failures you want to create policy around
  • Set your threshold for success, whether it’s an improvement over current status or a zero-tolerance policy

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Step 2:

  • Quickly see how your teams are doing with your defined policies
  • Measure progress and report on successes
  • Use this data to demonstrate achieving conformance goals

Screenshot showing an ARC Test Initiative automatically measuring the success of a conformance goal

ARC Test Initiatives are a critical tool for firms looking to achieve long-term accessibility

ARC Test Initiatives are one element of an entire accessibility ecosystem: the ARC Platform. Offering trusted resources, analytics, and expert-level support, ARC Platform provides a scalable, efficient method for identifying and resolving accessibility issues.



ARC Platform. Illustration categorizes capabilities into three buckets. Analytics: User Flows, API, Monitoring, and Toolkit. Content: Tutor and KnowledgeBase. Pro Services: HelpDesk, Onboarding, and Platform Support

Finally, Cross-functional Alignment on Accessibility is Easy

Reduce the confusion about what needs to be done and streamline how you are doing with those initiatives

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Identify and prioritize common, recurring, and significant issues and then set an acceptance criteria policy with which new code must comply

ARC Clients can Now Use Test Initiatives with ARC API

Retrieve accessibility policies, automatically compile unit tests, perform on-demand analysis, and interface with the pipeline decision tree

Works with Agile Software Team’s CI/CD Platforms

ARC Accessibility Test Initiatives simplifies and largely automates accessibility testing in a typical CI/CD pipeline

Integrate Policies Directly into the Development Workflow

Minimize the number of accessibility failures that make it to production environments

Simple Usage-Based Pricing Combined with Seat Access to ARC Resources and Content Libraries

Free Tier

1 User $0/month

  • Free Monthly Accessibility Scans (5 pages per domain)
  • Administrative Console
  • Workspaces with Dashboards
  • Accessibility Monitoring at 5¢ per API call (with Service Plan)
  • ARC API at 5¢ per call (with Service Plan)
  • JAWS Connect (Available with Domain Monitoring)
Sign Up For Free

Enterprise Tier

Multi-User $59/month/seat (Annual Contract with Min Seats Required)

  • Everything in Essentials, plus:
  • Configurable Rulesets
  • Zapier Integrations
  • Account Linking
  • Enterprise Reporting
  • Flexible Payment Options
  • JAWS Connect (Available with Domain Monitoring)
Contact Us

ARC Platform Companion Products

JAWS Inspect

Simulate the JAWS user experience across your digital properties for screen reader testing

Explore JAWS Inspect

ARC Toolkit

Professional-level accessibility testing chrome extension for testing individual pages on-demand

Get ARC Toolkit

Free ARC Account

Get a free monthly accessibility scan of five pages of your website

Create Free ARC Account

Color Contrast Checker

Easily determine the contrast ratio of the two colors. Compliance indicators for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1

Learn about TPGi CCA