Webinar, June 4: How to Make Self-Service Kiosks Accessible with JAWS

Thursday, June 4, 2020
12:00pm ET

Register for the webinar “How to Make Self-Service Kiosks Accessible with JAWS.”

In a post-COVID-19 reality, kiosks are a great solution to reduce direct contact between customers and employees. Now, more than ever, kiosks are replacing attendants for ordering food, payment processing, and even sensing temperature. While COVID-19 has no doubt accelerated these trends, kiosks will only become more instrumental in the POS process over time — and smart companies are fully embracing them.

Accessible kiosks fall under Title III of the ADA and need to conform to accessibility guidelines. Luckily, JAWS is now available for kiosks and helps to create a usable, accessible kiosk for users who are blind or who have low vision. Join Laura Miller and Ryan Jones, TPGi’s resident accessibility kiosk experts, to learn how you can add JAWS to your kiosks to lower your organizational risk and create a more inclusive experience for all customers.

Please be advised that individuals using the IE web browsers may not be able to register due to a webinar hosting glitch and their CAPTCHA verification. If you are unable to register, please email twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

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