Webinar, March 24: Fundamental Concepts Underpinning Accessibility Advice

Tuesday, March 24, 2020
12pm – 1pm ET

Registration for the webinar “Fundamental Concepts Underpinning Accessibility Advice” is now closed, but you can watch the recording or download the slides.

Understanding how people employ assistive technologies to navigate and perceive your content can help you make appropriate accessibility provisions and avoid common missteps. This webinar, hosted by Matthew Atkinson, accessibility engineer at TPG, will address the mismatch between how organizations envision individuals engage with their content and reality.

He will explain concepts and then gradually reveal which common missteps stem from which concepts (a few are listed below).

  • Navigation – understanding the way that people using different assistive technologies to move around the page
  • Equivalence – understanding that equivalent access is not the same as attempting to translate the visual experience for someone who cannot see the screen, but rather providing access to the same underlying information and evoking the same feeling
  • Simplicity – paring an interface and content down to its essentials is a great skill and benefits everyone. But what is important to keep, and what can be removed?
  • Being declarative rather than prescriptive – accessibility problems can stem from assumptions about how the content is going to be accessed

Please be advised that individuals using the IE web browsers may not be able to register due to a webinar hosting glitch and their CAPTCHA verification. If you are unable to register, please email twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

Categories: Events