Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) – Call for presentations

The next Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) event will be held on 9 June 2017 (starting at 12 midnight GMT) – and our call for presentations is now open!

Now in it’s fourth year, #ID24 is a free 24-hour online community event on accessibility, sponsored by TPGi.

#ID24 has always covered a wide range of topics – from websites to web apps, native apps to open source, gaming to productivity and everything in between. This year the focus for #ID24 is levelling up – taking your skills and knowledge beyond the basics and beyond compliance.

In previous years #ID24 has included speakers from around the world: Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada, France, Spain, Japan, the UK and beyond. This year we’d like to extend the event’s global family even more. But most importantly, #ID24 has always encouraged new voices. We want to continue this by welcoming new speakers to our community, enabling us all to keep levelling up our skills and knowledge through new ideas and perspectives. So whether you’re new to speaking or you have plenty of experience, we hope you’ll submit a talk.

Visit Inclusive Design 24 to find out more. The call for presentations closes on 21 April 2017.

Categories: Development