TPGi Welcomes Joshua Marshall!

In the past year, we’ve been very fortunate to add outstanding new TPGi (@paciellogroup) team members including Leonie Watson (@LeonieWatson), Patrick Lauke (@patrick_h_lauke), Karl Groves (@KarlGroves), Sarah Horton (@gradualclearing), Billy Gregory (@thebillygregory) and a host of other great folks. Today, we are pleased to announce that Joshua Marshall (@partiallyblind) is joining TPGi on September 1st!

I think most of you who follow accessibility know Josh, but for those that don’t, here’s a brief bio:

“As the former Head of Accessibility for the Government Digital Service, Joshua Marshall led the work of the British Government in building GOV.UK and transforming their digital public services to be the most accessible in the world. Joshua is a regular speaker at events and conferences on digital accessibility, UX, GOV.UK, and his work driving the adoption of future-facing digital accessibility principles across the UK Government.”

The team at TPGi is ecstatic about having Joshua join us! We continue to expand and look forward to further growth over the course of the year. We share our success with our clients, colleagues and friends in furthering the growth of accessibility professionals. Our profession is relevant, exciting and prosperous!

Categories: Development