WebABLE.TV Official WebCaster for CSUN 2014 Conference

The CSUN conference is again working with WebAble TV, an Internet TV channel for people with disabilities on the TV Worldwide Network, in partnership with The Paciello Group (TPG), to be the Official Webcaster for CSUN 2014 .

As part of the event webcast coverage, WebAble TV is offering sponsored video interviews with exhibitors and other organizations prior to and during the CSUN 2014 Conference as special ‘CSUN TV’ programming. This includes two pre-event webcasts prior to the actual CSUN 2014 Official Webcast  on March 6 and March 14, live from WebAble TV studios.

The sponsored video interviews will be highlighted along with other keynote and session content at the CSUN 2014 Official Webcast Event Site on WebAble TV, and will also be available for on-demand viewing a full year after the CSUN 2014 event is completed. In addition, your organization will receive a master video DVD of the interview for your unlimited use in marketing efforts. It’s a great way to cost-effectively capture your organization’s presence before and during CSUN 2014  on video and to gain extensive exposure at the same time on WebAble TV.

As with last year’s, CSUN 2013 Webcast, produced by WebAble TV, we are expecting thousands of viewers from the community of people with disabilities who regularly view WebAble TV events, for this CSUN TV 2014 event webcast.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please see this specially-priced sponsorship package. You can also contact Dave Gardy at dgardy@tvworldwide.com or call (703) 961-9250 ext. 221. We look forward to working with you to feature your organization during the CSUN TV 2014 event webcast.

WebAble TV (
www.WebAble.TV) an Internet TV channel on the TV Worldwide Network, (www.TVWorldwide.com ), is the Official Webcast Partner of CSUN for the 2014 29th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference.

Categories: Development