Webinar, November 11: Accessibility and Usability – The Importance of Quality Assurance & Testing for Accessibility on Web Pages & Documents

Wednesday, November 11, 2020
12pm ET

Register to watch the recoding of the webinar “Accessibility and Usability – The Importance of Quality Assurance & Testing for Accessibility on Web Pages & Documents”.

For those with a visual disability like blindness, low vision, or cognitive disability, digital and physical communications including documents, websites and apps must be accessible.

Where are you on your journey to make your digital and physical communications conformant?

With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, accessibility has become even more paramount. Organizations need to be able to provide critical information via an inclusive website. Electronic forms need be fillable and accessible, and documents and invoices must be available in an accessible format.

While making documents accessible is essential, how can you guarantee that they are usable?

Join Dennis Quon (Crawford Technologies) and Brian Landrigan (TPGi) to learn:

  • What are accessible communications
  • What are the laws – ACA Section 1557, Section 508, Section 955, ADA
  • How do you make a website accessible and test it?
  • How do you make your forms accessible?
  • What type of document communications are required and how to make them accessible?
  • What are the lawsuits and how do I avoid litigation?
  • Why it is important your websites are accessible?

Please be advised that individuals using the IE web browsers may not be able to register due to a webinar hosting glitch and their CAPTCHA verification. If you are unable to register, please email twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

Categories: Events