Sidestepping Ableist Language: CSUN 2017

I had a blast at the CSUN conference in San Diego. It was wonderful to be able to catch up with colleagues in the field, and as always, I picked up a few new things here and there. My session was on Friday, and I talked about how we can sidestep ableist language.

If you might not be familiar with it, ableist language refers to words and phrases—such as “crazy,” “lame,” and “insane”—that devalue people with mental or physical disabilities. Many of us as accessibility advocates make an effort to use language that’s inclusive toward people with disabilities, and steering clear of ableist language is one of the prime slices in that pie.

My slides on Sidestepping Ableist Language are available online—and once the opening slide loads, you can move to the next slide with any of the arrow keys or the page-up and page-down keys.

Categories: Development