I recently had the pleasure of presenting at the 2018 Funka Accessibility Days in Stockholm, Sweden and what an absolutely amazing time I had. The conference, the people and the hotel were absolutely fantastic! I made several new friends, learned a few new things and had some amazing Swedish craft beers.
For my talk, I chose a topic that’s been bothering me for a while now, when building reusable components in Angular, React, or Vue, are there times when problems with reuse overshadow any efficiencies gained. As an example, we looked at a simple form field components and what it would be like to reuse those components in a readonly version of the form.
If you’re interested in this or other examples, check out my Detangling Complex Components [PPT] slides.
One additional really neat thing about Funka this year was that graphic recorders were in each session documenting key points from each presentation.