An Introduction to Alt Text for Tweets: ACES 2017

I just recently got back from the American Copy Editors Society’s yearly conference, which was held in St. Petersburg, Florida. (ACES 2018 will be in Chicago, which I’m looking forward to—although the cold might faze me.)

Much like accessibility, copy editing is an ongoing learning process for most of us, and this year’s ACES conference was no exception—if you get a kick out of words and language as much as I do, I can totally recommend going. If you weren’t able to make it, though, many of the slides and handouts from this year’s conference are also online.

I gave a talk alongside Heidi Doxey, Char James-Tanny, and Michelle Ostrowski, and during my segment, I talked through how you can add alt text to your tweets. (Once the opening slide loads, you can move to the next slide with any of the arrow keys or the page-up and page-down keys.)

Categories: Development