The TPGi Voice

For well over a year, several members of the TPGi team and I have been talking about setting up a company blog. The problem is, we have so many things going on, creating a focused blog is nearly impossible. Then again, is anything on the web focused?

We agreed that we want to talk about accessibility of software, the Web, and emerging technology. We want to share our insights about tools, techniques, and usability. We’ll address laws, standards and guidelines. We will tell you about events, conferences, workshops, and initiatives. We have opinions, questions, complaints, ideas and gossip. Interesting gossip. And we love to learn — gosh, we love to learn. So you teach us.

But here’s the key to this blog — it’s a team effort. No one person is the sole or primary writer. Every member of the TPGi team is passionate about accessibility and integral to our identity. Most (if not all!) of our team will contribute on one topic or another. We expect different topics to be discussed by different TPGi team members each week. This is the TPGi Voice…

Categories: Development