Webinar, April 18: Evaluating Organizational Readiness for Accessibility

Thursday, April 18, 2019
12pm – 1pm ET

Registration for the webinar “Evaluating Organizational Readiness for Accessibility” is now closed. To request a copy of the slides, please contact twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

Organizations come in many shapes and sizes, and in various stages of maturity with respect to support for digital accessibility. Finding ways to guide people toward supporting accessibility in their work is essential for a mature organizational approach to accessibility and digital strategy.

Join Sarah Horton, Strategy Lead at TPG, on April 18 at 12pm ET for an immersive webinar on forging a successful accessibility program. You’ll leave with a better understanding of how to cut a path toward accessibility maturity by starting where you are and understanding where you can go, as well as a framework for building your organization’s program.

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