Webinar, March 7: A Guide to Accessibility Maturity

Thursday, March 7, 2019
12pm – 1pm ET

Registration for the webinar has ended. If you are interested in a copy of the slides from the presentation please email Todd Waites at twaites@paciellogroup.com.

Digital accessibility can seem like a defined future state, but true maturity is an ongoing process. While initially this may seem daunting, reaching a mature level means lowered risk, greater market opportunity, and an overall improved customer experience. Join Denis Thomas as he explores the five levels of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) as it relates to accessibility and provides a guide for progression.

During this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How to identify where your organization currently stands in its progress towards maturity
  • How each level in the CMMI is defined as it relates to accessibility
  • Why it is beneficial to embark on this ongoing process
  • Specific measures an organization can take to reach and remain in the most mature level
Categories: Events