Webinar, November 27: Everything you need to know about kiosk accessibility

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
12pm – 1pm ET

Register for TPG’s webinar, “Everything you need to know about kiosk accessibility.”

Kiosks are popping up everywhere: airline terminals, restaurant queues, grocery stores, banks, and more. While they’re incredibly useful and popular, according to several federal regulations, these kiosks need to be accessible to people with disabilities. But how do you make that happen?

Come learn everything you need to know about kiosk accessibility with TPGi expert Matt Feldman. He’ll discuss regulations like the Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, Section 255 of the Telecommunication Act, the Air Carrier Access Act, and the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, and how web standard guidelines (WCAG) apply to kiosks.

During this one-hour webinar he’ll also dig into the nitty gritty of how to make your kiosks accessible:

  • Open versus Closed Systems
  • Physical Reach Requirements
  • Components (like volume control and display characteristics)
  • Best Practices
  • User Testing

Don’t miss your chance your chance for a free expert tutorial on how to make your kiosks accessible.
Register now for TPG’s webinar, “Everything you need to know about kiosk accessibility.”

Please be advised that individuals using the IE web browsers may not be able to register due to a webinar hosting glitch and their CAPTCHA verification. If you are unable to register, please email twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

Categories: Events