Webinar, February 12: Integrating Accessibility Into Your CI/CD Pipeline

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
12pm – 1pm ET

Registration for the webinar “Integrating Accessibility Into Your CI/CD Pipeline” is now closed. For copies of the slides, please email twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

Did you know that TPGi’s Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) API offers on-demand testing in CI/CD pipelines, bug reporting, policy-based test formations, and custom reporting? Learn all about how the ARC API can support your organization’s accessibility efforts in a free webinar hosted by TPGi’s Chief SaaS Architect and Head of Product, David O’Neill, and Director of Software Engineering, Chase Aucoin.

ARC is TPGi’s SaaS accessibility platform. It provides analytics, WCAG failures, eLearning modules, an extensive knowledge base of developer techniques, and support – all accessible using the online ARC Portal. The entire ARC Platform was built with an API first philosophy, which means all the platform capabilities are available to you in the form of RESTful APIs. This enables our clients to integrate accessibility deeply into their SDLC.

In this webinar, we will explore the ARC GEN4 Analytics capability and demonstrate how clients are using our various API services in their CI/CD pipeline environments. Topics will include:

  • Overview of the ARC GEN4 Analytics Capability
  • The Anatomy of an ARC Assertion
  • ARC Monitoring Dashboard Basics
  • The ARC Monitoring API
  • Using the API in a Unit Test
  • The ARC Node.js Package
  • Using the Node.js Package in a Unit Test
  • How to get started with the ARC Platform

Please be advised that individuals using the IE web browsers may not be able to register due to a webinar hosting glitch and their CAPTCHA verification. If you are unable to register, please email twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

Categories: Events