Webinar, April 30: Role-based Solutions For Accessibility – Episode 1, Risk Manager/General Counsel

Tuesday, April 30, 2019
12pm – 1pm ET

Register now for the first episode of our brand new webinar series, “Role-based Solutions For Accessibility – Episode 1, Risk Manager/General Counsel.”

We are excited to announce our new webinar series, “Role-based Solutions for Accessibility,” where we’ll dig into thorny issues encountered by employees in multiple departments who manage web & digital accessibility. Our first webinar on April 30 at 12pm ET will focus on the challenges faced by Risk Managers and General Counsel. You’ll learn strategies for managing accessibility during a lawsuit or when faced with a demand letter, as well as how to be proactive in mitigating risk. The webinar will also cover how to determine if website accessibility issues identified in a demand letter are actual accessibility issues on your website and how they may be addressed.

While this particular webinar has an emphasis on Risk Managers and General Counsel, anyone interested in accessibility will find value in the strategies and solutions provided during this presentation. Upcoming webinars will focus on Human Resource professionals, Website Designers, and other key roles. Don’t miss your opportunity to get answers from an expert in the field!

Please note that we are experts in web accessibility and not a law firm. No part of the webinar will contain legal advice.

Please be advised that individuals using the IE web browsers may not be able to register due to a webinar hosting glitch and their CAPTCHA verification. If you are unable to register, please email twaites@paciellogroup.com with your name and contact information.

Categories: Events