Volunteer to Support the John Slatin Fund Accessibility Project

One of our dear friends and colleagues, John Slatin, recently passed away after a 3-year battle with Leukemia. This is a personal loss for me because John was diagnosed with Leukemia the same year my wife Kim was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. John was one of the first friends to contact me when Kim was diagnosed. When a dearly loved spouse is diagnosed with a terminal disease, anxiety is often high and long-term. It is a proverbial rollercoaster ride. Only someone of John’s character could truly understand what Kim and I were going through. I can only imagine how John’s wife Anna feels today.

That is why I’m asking you to support this wonderful initiative launched by Sharon Rush (Knowability) and Andrew Kirkpatrick (Adobe) to help Anna. The project is called the John Slatin Fund Accessibility Project.  The goal is to raise $25,000.00 USD to help Anna defray the medical costs. The beauty of this project is that we’re doing it John’s way — by helping other organizations enhance their web sites for accessibility.

All of us at TPGi are fully supportive of this wonderful project and have offered our time as a team. We encourage all our fellow colleagues to join us!

Categories: Development