Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) November 2017

We had so much fun in June we’re doing it again. Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) is on Thursday 16 November 2017, and the call for presentations is open!

Still in its fourth year, this will be the fifth edition of #ID24. It’s a free 24 hour online conference for the web community, organised by TPGi.

As its name suggests, Inclusive Design 24 covers all aspects of design and development. If you have a story to tell, a solution to share, or ideas to discuss that will help people level up their accessibility skills, then we want to hear from you.

It’s #ID24 tradition to feature both experienced speakers and new voices, from many different countries and places, all of whom have something practical, inspirational, creative, and useful to say about inclusive design. So whether you’re an accomplished speaker or putting together your first talk, whether you work for a huge company or you work for yourself, whether you’re in Azerbaijan or Zimbabwe, if you’ve got something to say about inclusive design, we want to hear from you!

The call for presentations closes on Sunday 17 September. If you have any questions drop an email, or head to for more information.

Categories: Development


Would you be interested in an explanation of WCAG? I gave one at University of California’s IT conference and it was a big hit. I am in San Francisco. This is my personal email not work

Ian Pouncey says:

Hi Kristian,
The theme of #ID24 is “levelling up” – going beyond the basics of accessibility and compliance – so if you have an interesting twist or new way of approaching WCAG then we’d love for you to submit a talk.