The TPGi Bug Bash

At TPGi we test websites, applications and apps for accessibility, with lots of different browsers and Assistive Technologies (AT). It means we get to play with some shiny tech, but it also means we find a lot of browser and AT bugs along the way.

We really like finding out the cause of these bugs, and sharing what we find with browser and AT vendors. We figure we can do a much better job with a little help from our friends in the accessibility community though!

We could use help with tracking down bugs, creating test cases and filing bug reports. All AT users, QA testers, web developers, vendors, and general accessibility
enthusiasts are hereby invited to drop by to help bash some bugs or just hang out!

Join Billy Gregory, Hans Hillen, Karl Groves, Léonie Watson and Steve Faulkner for the TPGi Bug Bash at CSUN 2014:

  • Day: Thursday 20th March
  • Time: 5.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Venue: Suite 3233, Harbour tower, Manchester Grand Hyatt

You can track updates for the TPGi Bug Bashers meetup with the #TPGBB hashtag, or check back to this page for news.

We’ll bring the drinks, snacks and bugs… You grab your favourite tech and meet us there!

Categories: Development


Sina Bahram says:

I’ll try to drop by, at least to find a single bug and grab a drink and some hugs.

Folks – the TPG Suite is in Room 3233, Harbor Tower.

Tim Harshbarger says:

I’m definitely hoping to stop by. I can think of at least a couple accessibility bugs that I wouldn’t mind squashing.

Rich Schwerdtfeger says:

Wish I could go. I have a conflict. Go get’em.

Imran Ahmed says:

Will definitely come to this event.

I’ll be there tomorrow.

Makoto Ueki says:

Will be there!

Robert Pearson says:

I’ll be there.

Char James-Tanny says:

It’s on my calendar 🙂

John Foliot says:

Gonna try

Cynthia Shelly says:

See you there!

Hamish Mackenzie says:

Cya there

Marco Zehe says:

I’ll be there, too!

Kevin Chao says:

I will try to make it…it should be interesting

Amy Chen says:

I’ll try to make it. Thanks for setting this up! Definitely a good idea!

Takeshi Kurosawa says:

I will be there!

Matthew Spinneberg says:

I will be there